Main Takeaways from Refillable and Reusable Packaging Discussion at PackHub Event

At the recent ParkHub Event, representatives from Tesco, RECOUP and WRAP discussed refillable & reusable packaging with the main takeaway from the discussion being the underlying need for collaboration in-order for reuse to scale.
In his statement, James Bull, Head of Packaging at Tesco said that Tesco is aiming to remove five billion single-use plastic products by 2025. He went on to explain the re-use initiatives that the UK’s leading retailer has taken, including concentrates & pouches to refill at home, dispensing dry foods in store, with consumers bringing their own containers, and the pre-filled containers that consumers can buy, use and return.
Katherine Fleet, Head of Sustainability and Circularity at RECOUP, then presented the latest updates on the TRACE project’s Reusability by Design report. In her report, she said that: “material choice for reusable packaging had PET at 30%, PP at 25%, PE at 22%, Tritan at 17% and PBT at 7%.”
During the workshop, many attendees where asked for their feedback with some of the key consumer demands listed below:
- Reusables must slot in easily to consumer lifestyle.
- Reusable packaging needs to go above and beyond single-use packaging.
- All unintended negative consequences must be explored and fully minimised so that a clear sustainability benefit can be confidently demonstrated.
With leading retailers and organisations focussed heavily on reusable food packaging, it is clear to see that reusable packaging is at the forefront of many discussions and a commitment has been made to ensure the sector proceeds forwards with their goals, without impacting the consumer.