An interview with Daniel Sanders, Technical Sales Engineer

What do you enjoy the most about working at Chiorino?
I enjoy dealing with the different challenges faced each day and helping my customers find solutions to any problems they may have. I like to learn and grow, so I enjoy speaking to some of my customers that have been in the industry far longer than myself. I am grateful to them for giving me the chance to take on knowledge that enables me to assist other customers in my area.
What’s Chiorino like to work for?
In one word, I would say supportive. 2020 was a strange time, but the Chiorino team have made it through and are all pulling in the same direction. 2021 brings a new optimism and there are some great new products coming through. With the support given by management to learn about products new and old, using Webinars run by Chiorino Italy and UK Teams meetings with Jim Dowell, we are all growing together as one. The support offered is amazing and at Chiorino there is a feeling that if knowledge is available, it is shared.
What does your day-to-day role entail?
I’m always engaging with customers, be it in person (socially distanced), on the phone, by email or via video call. The business landscape is changing quickly, and as a forward-thinking company Chiorino will change with it. This all starts with our Technical Sales Engineers as we change the way we do our jobs whilst still offering the support our customers require. I also use my knowledge learnt from Webinars and meetings mentioned above to inform customers of the new and exciting ranges coming to Chiorino UK and offering support where required to advise what will work best for their business.
What makes Chiorino different to other companies you have worked for in the past?
Chiorino listen to suggestions and offer knowledge. In this industry there is a feeling that knowledge is not shared, but Chiorino are the opposite. We have the knowledge given to us to let us do our job to the best of our ability. If I do not know the answer to a question or something is not working as expected, my colleagues are always very helpful and happily offer advice. Everyone works as one team – together, we achieve more.
What has Chiorino got coming up that you’re looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to taking part in Foodex 2021 in July. Foodex 2020 was cancelled, which was a real shame as I was looking forward to promoting Chiorino in a new environment alongside my colleagues. I am also excited for the introduction of new products in 2021, which will benefit many different sectors and are going to provide greater safety, hygiene and detection solutions, minimising downtime and increasing productivity for the end user.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
In my spare time I enjoy walking my dogs, playing darts and riding my bike. My fitness took a little step back last so I am trying to bring it forward again, and the dogs love running alongside my bike. I also like watching sport – since not being able to go to the football, I have started to watch other sports, and basketball has captured my attention. I’m happy that we live in a world where you can record live TV because some games don’t start until 3 a.m.! Hopefully fans will be allowed back into sporting events this year as I’m planning on going to the Spa Grand Prix for my eldest step-son’s 18th birthday this year.