And the Prize Goes to…

Our Salesman Of The Year prize doesn’t simply reward the revenue a particular Sales Engineer generates. If that were the case it would go on to create an attitude of ‘more, more, more’ amongst the Chiorino staff. Instead, we try to cultivate an ethos based on service.
By doing so we ensure that all our clients always get the best product to suit their needs, which is not always the most expensive.
This year we are delighted to announce that the salesman of the year award goes to Stuart Anderson. We recently put up a short profile of Stuart in which he said:
‘I actually prefer the feeling of opening new accounts as each one feels like a victory. I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but I think I’ve trebled number of customers trading with Chiorino in my area (Northeast) in the two years I’ve been here.’
This is a fantastic attitude to have, as the only reason we would bring new clients on board is if their current suppliers were not satisfying all their needs.
Chiorino have over 100 years’ experience in supplying, installing and maintaining conveyor belts. Between them our Sales Engineers have over 200 years’ experience in working with belts. Our experience is unrivalled, and we are more than capable of filling the gaps left by other suppliers.
To find out more about sets Chiorino apart, or about any of our products just give us a call on 01977 691 880.