Staff Profile – Stuart Anderson

How long have you worked at Chiorino? – I have worked here 2 years and 4 weeks.
How did you end up there? – I had the chance to go back to working for a competitor, after taking a few years away from belting, but I believe that you should never go back, and always look forward. I also see Chiorino as a bit of a ‘sleeping giant’, and look forward to seeing what happens in the future.
What is your role at Chiorino? – Technical sales engineer. I started in belting years ago as a floor sweeper and slowly worked my way up through the ranks. Now I manage area sales and carry out site surveys etc.
What’s your favourite part of the job? – The variety. You never know who you’re going to meet or what kind of job you’re going to be working on. A normal job with a normal routine would bore me, I like the variety this industry offers.
What is it that you think sets Chiorino apart? – Everyone at Chiorino has a can do attitude and a brilliant level of flexibility, which means we can give an extremely high level of customer service.
Any memorable moments, such as winning salesman of the year? – I actually prefer the feeling of opening new accounts each one feels like a victory. I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but I think I’ve trebled number of customers trading with Chiorino in my area (Northeast) in the two years I’ve been here.
Favourite product – The new HP material is fantastic. Is solves so many problems in the food industry, I can’t wait for it to take off.
Anything else you’d like to mention? – Only that I’m one half of a sidecar racing team, and we need sponsors!